About Our Guild: Our Meetings
Guild Membership Meetings
We meet on the third Monday of every month between September and May, with the exception of December.
While our meetings start at 9:30 AM, we meet at 9:00 AM for a bit of chat and a bite to eat from the selection provided by our monthly hosts.
We meet at the Western Springs Baptist Church 4475 Wolf Road, Western Springs, IL 60558. Our usual meeting room is on the second floor which is served by an elevator in the front lobby.
Guild Business Meetings
Three times a year our Guild Membership Meeting is preceded by a Business Meeting where the Officers as well as Committee Chairs report on the state of the Guild. This occurs at the September, January and April meetings.
M & M Meetings
The M & M Meetings take place every first Monday of the month from September through May. These meetings are hosted by volunteer members in their home. They start at 9:30 and usually wrap up at about 12:00. The format is informal and is open to all members to come. Everyone brings a project to work on while we chat, have some coffee and nibble on goodies provided by the host. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other members.
Artisan Presentations
At our monthly Guild Meetings, after any business has been attended to, we have a guest presentation. The format of this presentation is usually a lecture and discussion with someone of some reknown of interest to the membership. These presentations are included in the yearly dues paid by the membership.
Monthly Workshops
Most months, following the Guild Meeting and Presentation (usually consuming most of the morning), the individual making the presentation will often conduct a Workshop for the membership. The format for this workshops is usually hands on activity. Members can bring their lunch or order out from a local eatery and the workshop commences after lunch and can last for a couple of hours.
Board Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings
Attendees to a Board meeting include the Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairs and the immediate past President. A Board meeting is usually held prior to each Guild Business meeting. Additional Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings can and are scheduled on an as-needed basis by the President.
Hinsdale Embroiderers' Guild
We meet at the Western Springs Baptist Church at 4475 Wolf Rd, Western Springs, IL 60558. You can find us in the second floor conference room.